Today, let's put away the latest calorie counting charts and discuss a tactic that is incredibly easy and is guaranteed to help you lose weight, and eat more healthy. It is truly one of the best healthy eating facts around.
Think about this for a moment... when was the last time you ordered a pizza or picked up dinner from a fast food place?
You know the super deluxe pizza, or the hamburger and fries are bad for you... so, why? Why did you go there?
I'm sure there are exceptions, but my guess would be that most of you grabbed the burger or pizza for no reason other than - you didn't know what to fix for dinner. The fast food place was on the way home, and it offered a simple solution.
That may indeed be a fact, but not one of the healthy eating facts! True, after a hard day's work, the last thing we want to do is have to come up with an idea for a meal. It's even worse when you throw in the healthy, lose weight restrictions. (Tossing a frozen pizza in the oven is no better than having one delivered.)
Here's how to solve that problem...On your next day off (or whenever you can) set aside a couple hours and plan your dinner menu for each day in the coming week! Go two weeks if you are feeling ambitious.
Put each daily menu on its own separate piece of paper and put them all into a three ring binder. You could separate the days with multicolored tabs if you want to really get fancy. Eventually you may even want to laminate the pages.
Then, each evening when you get home, flip to that days' recipe and make it. Get in the habit of NEVER - under any circumstance - deviating.
You will totally stop the impulse buying from the local fast food place, save a lot of money, and never have to worry about what to fix for dinner.
It may seem overly simple, but it works and it will save you quite a bit of money too!
If you had a personal chef, and their job was to fix you healthy, nutritious, low-calorie meals, you would expect them to preplan the menu. If they always waited until the last minute for inspiration, you would most likely fired them. Think of yourself in the same way, pre-plan your meals. Then, don't change your plans during the week.
The funny thing is, although it may seem as a chore now, eventually it will become a habit and you will truly love your little binder.
It's a fact! If you plan all of your meals to be healthy, nutritious and low calorie, you must lose your excess weight and be healthier. It will work,there aren't any other options.
When the first week is over, do it all again. Create a new plan for the new week. If you make them all different recipes, by the end of the month you will have an entire month's worth of unique meals.
Every dinner - for 28 days - will be unique (so you don't get sick of eating the same things over and over), tasty, nutritious, and low calorie. At this point, if you want to, you could stop your weekly planning and just continuously rotate your daily meal plans.
I think that's one of the best healthy eating facts out there, and it will help you save a bundle at the grocery store.
For a free subscription to my "Fast Weight Loss" mini-course, check out my website. There is quite a bit of informative information there too!
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