P.O.R.N. Diets

I am coining this term as I feel some of the diets out there are so radical they need to be discussed in one place.

We here from our favorite celebrities daily and some of us live for this. We follow them on Twitter, talk about them on Bebo and MySpace or e mail each other about them especially when a new diet is talked about.

There have been some over the top radical diets in the past like the 'Air diet', not a very popular one for obvious reasons unlike the 'Chocolate' diet. Then there is the more main stream 'Atkins' diet or 'The Dash Diet' or even 'The South Beach Diet'. All have there plus and minus points and their advocates and nay sayers as well.

The trick when it comes to diets if there is a trick in selecting one would be to thoroughly research the topic. The mere fact that there literally are thousands of diets commercially available shown on television, billboards or even your local Chemist shop.

Here will be many, many articles pertaining to the topic of P.O.R.N. Diets circulating our media and your opinion on them is most welcome. Maybe you have been on one and would like to praise it or maybe warn others away from it. Whatever you may like to share, diet related, please do.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Fat Burning Foods That Help Your Body to Burn Fat Fast

By Xylene Belita

Maybe you are now wondering: "What are negative calorie foods?". So, what is the negative calorie food all about? Well, there is no such thing as a negative calorie food, since the calorie as a unit of heat cannot be negative. But when you hear people talk about negative calorie foods, it only means that the calorie level of the food is so low that it requires more energy to eat and digest it than how much calorie it contains. Negative calorie foods are also known as fat burning foods or fat fighting foods.

Celery is an example of a fat burning food. It takes energy from the body for digestion, because it does not contain enough calories to burn it. Cold water has a negative calorie. In fact, water has no calories at all but when you drink cold water, the body takes more energy to bring it up to body temperature. Everytime we drink a glass of cold water we burn up a little more calories and lose a little weight. But foods like this should be used wisely and should be taken in moderation.

People who are most attracted to negative calorie foods are anorexics. Negative calorie foods, if taken in excess would result in starvation and nutritional deficiencies. The calories used to burn negative calorie foods will be taken from the body's muscle mass, and this will be really dangerous to your health.

For a healthy way, you can take advantage of fat burning foods by fasting or detox. You should start a detox diet after big holidays such as Christmas, New Year or Thanksgiving when you have eaten so many rich and fatty foods. A negative calorie diet with fat burning foods is a great way to clean out your system. Do it for three days or so, but make sure that you have your doctor's approval.

Read some important points to remember when on a negative calorie detox diet:

1. Do not eat one type of food in huge quantities, most particularly fruits. There are fruits that contain bad substances for your body, so you should not eat them in excess. Such examples are grapefruit and pineapple which can cause damaging effect to your stomach lining. Other foods will cause diarrhea or burden your liver. You should eat different foods in small amounts.

Some examples of negative calorie fruits are: Apples, Blueberries, Cantaloupes, Cranberries, Grapefruit, Papayas, Pineapples, Prunes, Raspberries, Strawberries and Tangerines.

2. You should never spend all your day eating. You will only become bloated and feel unwell. Plan at least four or five salad meals every day, and let your digestive system rest in between.

3. Try to eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly. You will use more calories that way. It is also better to eat the foods raw. Foods like carrots and beets will also be more satisfying if you grate them.

Some examples of fat burning vegetables are: Asparagus, Beets, Broccoli, Carrot, Cauliflower, Celery stalk, Celery root, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Endives, Garden cress, Green beans, Green cabbage, Lamb's lettuce, Lettuce, Radishes, Spinach, Tomatoes, Turnips and Zucchini.

4. Detox diet and fasting may cause some uncomfortable symptoms like headaches, tiredness, depression and irritability. If the symptoms become worse, stop the detox diet and see your doctor immediately.

5. Return to a normal diet gradually when you are near the end of your negative calorie detox diet.

Garlic and onions are also examples of fat burning foods. If you want to lose 9 lbs in 7 days, then go here: Quick Weight Loss Methods and you are guaranteed to melt your stubborn fat easily.

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