These ads give the false impression that you will lose your belly fat by doing abdominal exercises using one of their machines. The truth is that's just not how things work. Sure, you may gain some muscle in your midsection with this approach but you will not burn belly fat.
The body does not work like this. It is impossible to target fat in a particular part of the body by exercising that part of the body. Our bodies hold onto additional fat in a particular part of the body (such as the midsection) due to our genes and our genes can't be changed.
The real key to getting the midsection of your dreams is definitely not doing abdominal exercise in order to build additional ab muscle. The lack of muscle is not the problem. The problem is the flab covering up those muscles!
Since the goal should be burning the fat off your midsection the real way towards an amazing looking stomach is to start a dieting program that includes the "day off calorie spike" concept. Why? Because a calorie spiking day off from dieting will boost the metabolism.
The Day Off Diet is the easy choice for an online diet plan which boosts the metabolism for burning fat fast. Not only does it burn fat faster than other diets, it's also very easy to follow and stick with.
Your time and your resources are far better spent with a great dieting program like The Day Off Diet than they are with a ridiculous ab exercise machine. Make sure you make your choices wisely.
You should also make exercise a part of your life of course. But I recommend starting a heavy strength training routine instead of the kind of low impact exercise that most people waste their time with. And that goes for both men and women.
The results from doing just thirty minutes of heavy duty strength training are usually much more impressive than doing ninety minutes of low impact conditioning.
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