Tea has many benefits and one certainly is that increases your metabolism. The metabolic rate will increase tremendously to help you burn more calories during your day. This will help you shed pounds and in addition when you drink tea it reduces your appetite so you won't be hungry as often.
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition does studies on weight loss. One particular study they did dealt with green tea as a supplement to your diet. They found that the individuals who drank tea burned 30-40 percent more calories than those who didn't drink tea. There was even one study that compared two particular individuals of the same weight classification. The one who drank tea lost double the amount of weight as the one who didn't drink tea.
So the question again is, does tea speed up your metabolism? The answer is yes. It has been proven to help speed up metabolism. It is a drink that is also rich in antioxidants. There have been many studies on green tea and it has been shown that those who are dieting can benefit even more with green tea. In November1999, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a result of study on green tea in Geneva Switzerland. Researchers found that people taking only caffeine were not loosing as many calories as those using green tea.
Many teas have different levels of antioxidants and different amounts of minerals. But think about adding some oolong tea, green tea, or any other form of tea to your diet if your wanting to lose weight and drink something healthy for your body.
There are other benefits of drinking tea such as protecting your body from dangerous heart diseases and cancer. So drink tea to protect your body and health.
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