We all have heard the horror stories about what some diet pills can do to us. We all know that taking Ephedra is bad for us. We all know that the ephedrine caused many dieters to have heart related problems and that ephedra is basically banned from being added into most diet pills. But do you know that there are many other things that are allowed in the diet pills that are still bad. Plus, the herbal products do not even have to be approved by the FDA?
The first thing you need to do is look at the ingredients of what is in any diet pill you plan on ingesting. Here are few popular things you will find in today's diet pills, along with some possible side effects you may experience if you take them.
Citrus aurantium or it could be called bitter orange. This is a stimulant. It is similar to ephedra (which was pulled off the market). Like ephedra, bitter orange has been known to cause rapid heart beat. Many products containing bitter orange also contain caffeine which will make the heart beat even more and increase blood pressure. Bitter Orange is found in popular diet supplements such as: Lean System 7, Advantra Z and Xendrine EFX.
Hoodia. Hoodia is made from a cactus like plant from Africa. The claim is that Hoodia will keep you from being hungry. So far, no evidence has shown any side effects to Hoodia. But it is too soon to tell if it will show any side effects if you take it for a long period of time. The problem with Hoodia is that it usually paired with ingredients such as bitter orange or caffeine.
Caffeine. Yes, we all know that too much caffeine is not good for us. Case in point is these diet pills. When you ingest too much caffeine it leads to heart palpitations. If you continue to ingest too much caffeine it can led to some serious health problems such as high blood pressure, continued palpitations and could even eventually led to stroke. Caffeine is the main ingredient in a lot of diet pills including Xanadrine and Zantrex-3
Chromium. Chromium is generally considered safe if it is taken in small doses, doses less than 200 micrograms a daily. But some supplements contain higher amounts of chromium. Side effects of taking too much chromium include increase urination, which can result in kidney failure if one continues to take high doses of chromium for a long period of time. Chromium is also found in many diet pills including: TrimSpa and EZ Trim.
HCA Hydroxycitric acid. HCA causes a lot of side effects which can make life miserable such as: nausea, stomach upset and head ache. HCA is found in Hydroxycut.
Okay, so the pills contain ingredients that can cause side effect, the main question most dieters want to know is will they work. At first, most diet pills may seem to work. They may curb your appetite a little. HCA may actually help you to loose weight because you feel to miserable to eat. But is loosing a little weight worth risking your health, causing your heart beat to increase and just generally making you feel strange or bad? Wouldn't it be better to be a bit overweight and feel good?
I am sorry to say that there is no magic pill, yet.
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