P.O.R.N. Diets

I am coining this term as I feel some of the diets out there are so radical they need to be discussed in one place.

We here from our favorite celebrities daily and some of us live for this. We follow them on Twitter, talk about them on Bebo and MySpace or e mail each other about them especially when a new diet is talked about.

There have been some over the top radical diets in the past like the 'Air diet', not a very popular one for obvious reasons unlike the 'Chocolate' diet. Then there is the more main stream 'Atkins' diet or 'The Dash Diet' or even 'The South Beach Diet'. All have there plus and minus points and their advocates and nay sayers as well.

The trick when it comes to diets if there is a trick in selecting one would be to thoroughly research the topic. The mere fact that there literally are thousands of diets commercially available shown on television, billboards or even your local Chemist shop.

Here will be many, many articles pertaining to the topic of P.O.R.N. Diets circulating our media and your opinion on them is most welcome. Maybe you have been on one and would like to praise it or maybe warn others away from it. Whatever you may like to share, diet related, please do.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Is the Wu Yi Tea Safe?

By Jared Rothe

The people of China have been some of the healthiest people on the planet. They have had tea in their diets for hundreds of years. So to answer your question, Yes, wu yi tea is safe.

The people of China have great metabolism and body composition. This is because of better dietary lifestyles, less stressful situations, and more abundant healthy foods. There have been many theories to explain what the difference is but most theories point to their diets.

Their diet has the best BMI's and it is staple in China then the wu yi tea is definitely find for the states. If you want to impart on a healthy lifestyle see what has proven to be healthy.

The Wu yi tea is very healthy for you. Just make sure you don't get wu yi tea that has been processed too much. Pills and other types of the product aren't as healthy and natural for you as the loose leaf version of the tea. It is critical for you to check and see if the product is natural and not processed.

Once the finished form of the tea has been transformed into gel caps or tablets, gelatins, binders and other agents must enter the process to achieve this finished form. Just as one needs to consider drug interactions with teas and caffeine, one must know whether the manufacturer has added other products and fillers to the product to "enhance" its effectiveness. Such additives to watch out for include proteins, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and herbal extracts. You should never introduce any material into your body without knowing with certainty what it contains.

One last thing, if you take any form of medication for a specific condition make sure your medicine like high blood pressure meds, statins, and insuclin, do not interfere with the tea. Make sure you talk to your physician to see if wu yi tea is the best solution. Take care of your body and good health to you!

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Bucks County Professionals on Lower Ab Workouts - Why This May Be Setting You Up For Failure

By Jose Loni

People concentrate their ab workout exercises by anatomy. Exercises are differentiated by the area that needs the most work and in most cases, it's our stomach. Instead of being so specific and focusing just on the stomach, we should focus on our overall metabolism and do activities like multi-joint activities and interval training. In doing so, our body will streamline itself to get fit and show those rock hard abs.

Ab machines and ab exercises promise you rock hard abs in 8-12 repetitions. Other variations of the same products claim to help you flatten your tummy in no time at all. But the fact is, they're all empty promises because spot reduction doesn't work.

Training just the abs, will not give you rock hard abs. Isolation exercises like ab crunches or lower abdominal strengthening will strengthen your abs, but it will not give you the definition that you want. In fact, you may not notice a physical difference from training the abs only.

If you really want to train your abs, work on your whole body. This can be done by doing multi joint exercise that help kick start your metabolism. By increasing your metabolism, you help your body use more calories and burn more fat.

Doing exercises like squats, lunges, spit squats, chin-ups, push-ups, and step-ups, we train using more muscle groups, which will help us burn more calories. The more muscle groups we train, the more efficient our muscles will be at expending more energy and forcing our body to burn more fat to help fuel our physical activity.

Doing short, quick bursts of intense training like a circuit program of jumping jacks-brisk walking-sprinting-walking makes our muscles work extremely hard. They start building up waste carbon dioxide and lactic acid, which the body must now get rid of.

At the same time, the processes of clearing away lactic acid and carbon dioxide waste products and re-supplying of oxygen to nourish and replenish muscle stores require a lot of energy. These processes raise your metabolic rate, resulting in stored fat being mobilized for use.

Exercises that specifically train our abs will not work. Instead, focus on kick starting your metabolism through multi-joint exercises and interval training. By training your metabolism, you train your body to become a fat burning machine that will give your ripped hard abs.

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Heartburn No More - Jeff Martin Heartburn No More Review

By Chris Jensen

A natural heartburn remedy that will not give you any side effects and lasting results then you should look to Jeff Martin Heartburn No More. This is a legit system written for people with extreme heartburn to help them rid their acid reflux condition in easy step by step format.

Click Here For Heartburn No More Best Deal Now!

Jeff Martin is a medical researcher, nutritionist and health consultant. He discovered a natural heartburn cure formula after doing many years of trial. His formula is very unique actually, he doesn't use over complicated methods, it simply works. Many people have had good results from his system.

Heartburn no more entirely is a natural approach to relieve pain, meaning there are less side effects since no acid reflux medication is needed. Unlike the medical approach that temporarily relieves your problem for a while, which still placing a toll upon your body not solving the issue for the long term.

You can apply this method by only five simple steps, this is not something that will you will need to spend a lot of time reading, unlike some medical books which use complicated language and very long which makes it difficult to read, in only 30 minutes you can start implementing his guide natural acid reflux remedy right away.

The main factors of heartburn are unhealthy lifestyle choices. You will learn the connection between physical activity and heartburn. How to permanently eliminate the anxiety and pain with Heartburn No More, this knowledge alone is priceless. For some as knowledgeable as him, he is quite generous and strives to help others.

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Breastfeeding Diet - Eating Well for Two

By Kim Allissa

During the time that moms are pregnant, they learn to be extra wise about the foods and liquids they take into their bodies. This is because it is known that babies in the womb can be negatively affected if they do not receive the appropriate nutrition or are exposed to inappropriate substances. Nursing moms also need to watch what they eat.

It should be noted, though, that a breastfeeding diet is probably easier to follow than a diet when you are pregnant. The diet you follow while you nurse will help determine the quality of your breast milk, to some extent.

So, not only will you be producing milk that is high in nutritional content for your baby, you will also be eating foods that are healthier for you. At such a busy time, you need to have all the extra energy you can have as you care for your child. Also, if you can choose low-fat, nutrient-dense meals, you may find it easier to shed some of the weight you gained over the last nine months.

Now you may be wondering what a breastfeeding diet consists of. It is fairly straightforward. It is suggested that you enjoy a balanced diet consisting of all four food groups, and also be sure to include enough fiber in your diet. With all the sitting down you will be doing at the start to feed your baby, you will find that fiber will be your new best friend! When taking in fiber, you also want to make sure that you drink adequate fluids. This should not be a problem, as you are likely to feel thirsty a lot of the time anyway while you are breastfeeding.

Even though you plan to eat a well-balanced diet, it is also advised that you take a good prenatal multivitamin/mineral supplement. This will ensure that your body gets everything that you may be missing in your diet, and results in less chances of your body having to tap into its own reserves to make good-quality breastmilk.

A breastfeeding diet is also important to monitor in determining if what you are eating could possibly be affecting your baby. You may notice that your baby gets colicky or appears to have a sore stomach after you eat certain foods, or that he does not appear to enjoy nursing at the breast. However, it should be noted that not all babies will be affected. If you notice that certain foods appear to affect your baby, then try eliminating that food for a few days, and then notice what happens if you reintroduce it later again.

As when you were pregnant, you will still want to avoid eating fishes that are high in mercury. Some of the types to avoid are king mackerel, swordfish, tuna steaks, shark, marlin, and Spanish mackerel. Because fish are high in omega 3 fatty acids which positively impact on your baby's brain and eye development, better choices of fish that are lower in mercury include rainbow trout and salmon.

The final thing I want to discuss, when it comes to a breastfeeding diet, is alcohol. If at all possible, it should be avoided as it is a known neurotoxin and sedative. And if you drink everyday, then you should not be nursing as problems have been identified in children whose mothers drank every day during breastfeeding. However, if you just want to have a drink once in a while, then you need to plan ahead to make it as safe for your baby as possible. Consider pumping a few days in advance of when you will be going out so that your baby can have that milk instead. Otherwise, nurse your baby right before you have a drink. Then when you have that drink, it will give your body some time to break down the alcohol before you need to nurse again (or perhaps do not nurse at all for several hours and just pump for comfort and throw away the milk).

In summary, a breastfeeding diet is about eating well for two. Although it is less restrictive than when you are pregnant, following a well-balanced, healthy diet will provide benefits for both you and your baby.

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Langhorne Exercises For Rock Hard Abs - More Muscle, Less Fat

By Jose Loni

Work your muscles, lose fat and get rock hard abs. Everyday, we always see a new machine or ab exercise promising rock hard abs. Well, by increasing your muscle mass through weight training, you will lose fat and get rock hard abs!

Ab machines, ab exercises or fad diets promise you rock hard abs. These ads give you the illusion that spot reducing works and that by targeting the abs directly, you will get rock hard abs. Many commercials make it look like, if you use their product, you will look the overly muscled bodybuilder or the super fit and trim fitness model that they have demonstrating the product.

In reality, we will not look like fitness models in just a few weeks of using the product.

Let's keep it simple. Increase muscles to increase your overall metabolism, which will in turn burn body fat.

When we train to build more muscles, we force our muscles to work at a harder intensity. The increased intensity causes increased metabolic activity within the muscles. With increased metabolic activity, the body must work even harder to provide energy to the muscles, which are working very hard to keep up with the intense exercise activity.

The body burns the food that we eat as fuel and when that is all gone, it takes the necessary energy from the stored fat on our body and uses that as a fuel for the muscles to burn.

During an exercise session, the body trains at a high intensity that causes the muscles to work in an environment that has less oxygen. This causes the body to frantically keep trying to get oxygen to the muscles. When the body has a moment to bring oxygen to the muscles, the muscles increase its metabolic activity by rapidly trying to repair, nourish and remove waste products from the muscles.

This repair and nourishment of the muscles can occur throughout the day and causes the body to burn more calories even after the exercise session is over. As a result, the body becomes a fat burning machine, even when it is not exercising.

Training causes the muscles to increase in size, which will proportionally increase the overall muscle activity and burn more fat.

More muscle means less fat, which inevitably means rock hard abs. It is really that simple! Train hard and lose the fat.

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Saturday, May 30, 2009

6 Pack Abs - The Lifestyle Fit At Langhorne

By Dan Solaris

We all know how hard it is to get lean well enough to expose our abdominal muscles under the stubborn layer of belly fat. A well-defined physique and contour abs comes from commitment, some sacrifice and total dedication to living healthy.

To get 6 pack abs, a person not only has to watch what he eats- avoiding food with empty calories and sticking to healthier alternatives, he has to exercise consistently as well. Only by maintaining a healthy diet and doing the right combination of exercises that focus on calorie burn can one hope to get a flat and lean midsection that will turn heads on the beach.

One doesn't have to be limited to a life of crackers and celery sticks to get lean washboard abs however. A diet that's too restricting won't have enough protein and carbs to help develop muscle and boost energy for workouts. Eating wisely is the secret- knowing what to eat and when to eat.

A full, well-balanced meal means the right amounts of macronutrients- carbs for energy, protein for muscle maintenance and development, fiber to help in digestion and flush out the bad stuff (this includes fat). We all know the common sources of the first two. Fiber as well as a potpourri of vitamins and minerals can be had from eating lots of fruits and veggies each day.

A lot of people make the all too common mistake of drastically reducing their food intake in efforts to get lean. This can actually deter the body's fat-burning properties because our metabolism drops when we're hungry. It's better to eat sparingly several times throughout the day than to pig-out each meal- specially dinner.

Even if we don't do it on purpose, we tend to over-eat when we sit down for a meal after going for several hours without food. Doing this repeatedly will result in an outsized gut because eating too much in one sitting causes our stomach to balloon out of proportion- the last thing we want on getting 6 pack abs.

Dietary enlightenment would be nothing without calorie-burning physical activity, of course. Burning a larger amount of calories than our bodies take in each day is the only way to ensure fat-loss and a lean stomach. Doing the proper exercises that have been proven to be the most efficient in burning and keeping body fat in check will let you shorten your workout time- loosening your schedule.

Studies reveal that any kind of cardiovascular exercise combined with core and weight-training will facilitate rapid calorie burn and muscle development. These kinds of exercises also raise metabolism giving way to improved ability of the body to ward-off the onset of body fat.

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Controlling Type 2 Diabetes

By Jake Ryan

When an someone reaches adulthood they are more at risk of having type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes can be controlled. You can do this with exercise, a proper diet, and medication if necessary. Depending on how severe the case you can control diabetes type 2.

Eating a proper diet balanced so that you do not intake enough sugar is necessary when you have diabetes. You have to watch and monitor your blood sugar with special devices so that you can change your diet if necessary.

Diabetics need to eat a lot of vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins. They need to avoid simple carbohydrates like white flower and white bread. Try to eat complex carbohydrates such as whole grain.

Additionally a diabetic individual will also want to take steps to incorporate a regular exercise routine into their lifestyle. Exercise will actually help keep your blood sugar levels steady and consistent. Additionally, it will also help you keep your body weight within a healthy range for your age and height.

In some cases a doctor will prescribe medication to help maintain your condition. This will be in addition to diet and exercise.

Diabetes is a condition that is effecting more and more people across the world. It is a serious illness that can take over your life if left uncontrolled. Diet and exercise can go a long way to controlling your diet.

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Langhorne Professional Trainers on Getting Flat Abs By Reaching For The Sky

By Jose Loni

Whoever says that getting your abs flat and well muscled is no big deal is lying. The only way to get flat abs is by working harder. And it all starts with your attitude. A lot of times you start a fitness regimen only to stop a few weeks or even days later because you got lazy and discouraged. Well, it's time to harness that attitude in and concentrate on the task of getting flat abs through making time for a well thought out exercise program and dietary planning.

Good things don't come easy and this is especially true when it comes to attaining fitness goals. One way to encourage a healthy lifestyle choice is to make a plan for it to be integrated into your day because when it's there, you tend to do it. And its multiple benefits will hook you in and have a positive effect physically and mentally.

When you have firmly decided upon getting fit, you need to cement that decision by making time for it and actually writing it into your daily schedule like you would for a business meeting or any other appointment. You need to give value to yourself and your health aspirations. Make that appointment with yourself. The first step to reaching a goal is writing that goal down and into your life.

Next, prepare a smart program of exercises you'll be doing and proper nutrition plans. Exercise must include full body movements to work the body's largest muscles, as they tend to burn more fat because more calories are needed to let these muscles function. Some examples include brisk walking, lunges, jogging, biking, push-ups and chin-ups.

Now it's time to get creative by mixing these up into a routine. Doing 5 in a grouping continuously then resting a few minutes before doing the grouping continuously again 5 times in a row will challenge your body to its limits and increase fat burning. For example, cycle-push ups-speed walking-boxing-squats without resting in between, then after the squats, rest for 2 minutes before starting the cycle-push ups etc. again.

With the workout program in place, you now need to make time for healthy meals to round out your fitness plan. This takes serious time and energy commitment as most people nowadays settle for fast food conveniences, which saves time for you, but loads up your body with unnecessary, dangerous and aesthetically disgusting fats. Remember to load up on vegetables, fruits and lean proteins to get your six packs on the way.

It doesn't hurt to get active assistance from your friends and relatives either. They can be the best people to keep you going when you're feeling out of sorts because they know you best.

Having flat abs is certainly desirable but there is no easy way to get flat abs. You can only get flat abs by working harder and that means coming from all possible angles to make sure you can achieve what you desire. Keep at it-you may just get those gorgeous abs sooner than you think.

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Have You Heard of the Rice Diet? You Need To! CLICK HERE!

By Jessica A. Andersen

This diet sounds like any other gimmicky diet plan but it's not. The rice diet is a weight-loss program developed and run from Duke University in North Carolina. In the participants have had great success with this weight-loss.

This diet is supervised by medical staff. The diet can be adhered to for as little as two weeks depending on the needs and preference of the participants. The diet, however, requires that individuals actually stay at the facility for the entire duration of the program.

A doctor developed the rice diet almost 80 years ago. He wanted to determine whether or not certain diseases would be affected by what we eat on a daily basis. The good doctor was hoping to find that altering your diet you could slow or reverse the progression of diseases like diabetes.

Of course Rice is the main staple ingredient in this diet. the good doctor noticed that people eat rice every day had a much less frequent occurrence of hypertension, stroke, and diabetes. in asia, for example, where Rice is eaten in almost every meal these diseases are hardly ever seen.

The participants of the rice and are also allowed to eat fruit, vegetables, fish, and lots of rice. The food choices are specifically limited in order to achieve rapid weight loss. The size of individual portions are also strictly controlled. Dieters learn what normal portion size should be, in our country portion size has gone bananas. People eat huge portions consuming extra calories resulting in extreme weight gain. The rice diet seeks to remedy that.

The consumption of fat and salt is also restricted. Solved, especially, should be avoided by patients with high blood pressure. This however often causes problems for those who were addicted to solved. Many people are unaware that consuming a lot of salt often leads to bloating and fluid retention. Participants are instructed how to season food with spices rather than solved. Fat is kept at a minimum because doing so allows the body to consume its own fat stores as fuel.

Patients have access to classes that teach all about food and how to eat properly for optimal health. Support is available for those who need help during their stay and how to manage after the program is over. Since the program is supervised, the health of the patient is watched for any major problems.

This diet is hugely expensive. To participate in the program individuals often spend thousands of dollars.

After participants finish the diet there are a number of resources available to them. These resources ensure that the dieters continue to lose weight or maintain their weight loss while at home. The program also provides online support.

To learn more about the rise diet and other great diets that are much more inexpensive visit my website now. When you do sign up for my free newsletter and I will send you free dieting software and a free e-book worth $45! Completely free! Just for visiting my sign! Click on the links below now!

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Get Taller - The Secrets Revealed

By Shaun Davids

Are you feeling frustrated with being short and want to get taller? Keep your spirits up. Many people from around the world assume that they cannot grow taller. But they are wrong.

There are various useful techniques to increase height and make your bones stronger. In fact, these two aspects go hand in hand.

First, let's discuss a little bit about how our bones grow. When we are babies, much of our skeleton consists of cartilage. This is why we have so many bones when we're younger than when we're adults.

As we are growing taller, much of the cartilage in our bodies shifts and ossifies, becoming hard, adult bones. Cartilage growth plates are what causes much of our growth when we're going through puberty-exercise and a good diet can help your bones lengthen considerably during this crucial time in your life.

What makes exerise so important when we are growing up? Well, it aids the production of height growth hormones - which help you get taller much faster. In addition to helping your bones reach their full potential, exercise keeps them strong and healthy.

Did you know that we risk stunting our growth by having a poor diet? So why is a good diet important if we want to grow tall? Well as we grow up, our bodies need a constant supply of protein, amino acids, calcium and carbohydrates to enable us to grow and move.

These substances also help our bodies replace old, dead cells with new ones. And when we hit puberty, our bodies work overtime and require more nutrients to get taller.

But even during adulthood, what we eat and how often we work out, still play a crucial role to increase height and stay taller. But, do not believe anyone that tells you certain exercises or stretches will make your bones longer even after can no longer grow. This is not possible. Nevertheless, a good diet and exercise keeps you fit and lean, making you look taller when you're dressed up.

A healthy diet, specifically high in calcium will help make your bones stronger and less prone to shrinkage as you grow old.

And those are just 2 of the steps you can take to get taller. The sooner you take action, the sooner you will get taller, so get started now!

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Friday, May 29, 2009

It's a Good Idea to Use Natural Metabolism Boosters

By Thong M. Dao

Our body is an impressive and natural mechanism. Usually, we are unaware of our bodies' multiple simultaneous tasks. All too often in our lives, there is certainly something that we take for granted.

If our health starts to go downhill, however, our body may be on our mind on a constant basis. It's preferable that we take better care of our bodies before anything going awry rather than trying to repair things when they go wrong.

Controlling weight is very important to many people. Sadly, it is quite a difficult task to accomplish in the extremely busy schedule that many people have. That is not to say that we cannot do it.

Keeping our metabolism running well is a great way to help our body as often as possible. Your goal can be reached by eating a healthy diet, exercising, or taking supplements. Any one of these will work or you can try a combination.

It's pretty easy to boost your metabolic rate by using supplements. To kick start your metabolic process and keep it functioning well as the day goes on, consider taking a supplement.

Pick out something natural so that this vital part of your body won't be hurt. The use of artificial chemicals to alter the way your body operates is not a great idea.

Although there are a lot of different supplements which can increase our metabolic process, one of the safest and most efficient is green tea. You can either use this in its natural form by brewing it or get it concentrated in the form of a tablet.

Green tea contains antioxidants and can assist to keep the metabolic process up. If you make the decision to take this natural supplement on a regular basis, you should begin to see results comparatively quickly.

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Herbal Remedies For Detox And Weight loss

By Ron George

What is a weed to someone, can mean nature's wonder herb to someone else. You have perhaps heard of this weed which can tenderly detox your body and act as a herbal remedy for many health problems. It is dandelion. There is no difference between using dandelion and multi-vitamin and mineral supplements which are taken as a full body health supplement, because of the innumerable numbers of vitamin and mineral that dandelion contains.

It contains several essential vitamins and nutrients like vitamins A, C and K, Choline, B-complex, iron, silicon, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium, phosphorus and copper. It is normal for health aficionados to opt for the leaves to make a healthy salad.

You could bring back hormonal balance if you detox liver with the help of dandelion. This is due to the fact that the hormones are metabolized by the liver. Looking after your liver is of paramount importance as then you can easily handle the symptoms of menopause, menstrual irregularities and PMS.

Dandelion is a diuretic so it leads to weight loss. Its mode of action does not have anything to do with the intrinsic reason for weight gain, but it can help in effective weight loss without exhausting the critical potassium level of the body.

If weight gain is due to issues related to improper digestion, then dandelion could handle the problem. With the improvement of bile production by the gall bladder, it also helps in regularizing bowel movement. You could take it for a couple of months to take better care of your liver and gall bladder but you must reduce taking it slowly. This weed provokes many natural actions and secretions of the digestive system like it does with indigestion. It coaches your digestive organs to function properly again, without much effort from your side. Dandelion is especially recommended for people who face problems in digesting fat, as their bile production is not up to the mark.

Dandelion to detox is not advisable in case you are allergic to the weed or have inflammation of the gall bladder, intestinal blockage or obstruction in the bile duct. 250 to 500 mg thrice a day with meals is the suggested dose for adults. Take the advice of a doctor before you start with a new supplement. Nature has many ways to keep us healthy.

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Discover 3 of The Best Snacks For Dieters That You Can You Indulge In And Curb Your Cravings While Still Losing Weight... All Without A Guilty Conscience

By Eddie Harvey

We've all been there before? It's midnight and your stomach has started rumbling, it is Thursday and you have been sticking to your diet thus far. You've done all of the options you have heard about to curb your cravings.

Let's see, you have brushed your teeth, because studies have shown that a reason we get hungry late at night is because we don't brush our teeth immediately after eating our dinner. This in turn leaves food on your tongue triggering your tastebuds to tell your brain that you are hungry. That didn't work. So then you drank a nice, tall glass of water, nope, still hungry.

So what do you do, make a late night McDonald's or Taco Bell run. Possibly grab that bag of Doritos out of the pantry. Yeah we all have done it, anything to satisfy that hunger bug. Because if you don't you won't be able to get a good nite's rest.

Now the guilt kicks in because you've just ruined a weeks worth of hard work. You start thinking to yourself, are there any healthy options, no matter what time of day it is? What are the best snacks when you are on a diet, besides rabbit food?

In the simplest form, the answer is YES. There are options. Just because you are dieting does not mean don't eat, in fact it's the complete opposite. You can actually learn how to strip away fat, while still eating and getting the body you truly deserve.

Here is a short list of some of the best snacks for dieters!

1. Fruits and/or Veggies - Yep, they are a classic snack to add to any regime for fighting hunger. Add some berries to yogurt, or have some a tablespoon of natural peanut butter with some celery or carrots. Switch it up and eat up.

2. Nuts, Almonds, etc. - Almonds, cashews, walnuts, peanuts, etc. They are all great, but without the salt. And no Almond Joys don't count either. Eat them by themselves, or bake them with your favorite spice, you can even eat them in a omelet.

3. Smoothies - This is number 1 on my list. The great thing about them is that they are so versatile. There are tons of varieties you can make, and you can have them as a snack, or as a meal. The important thing is that they fill you up, and you get all of your essential nutrients in them. Oh and they taste great!

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Protein Supplements And Their Effects

By Julie Poundsign

Generally speaking, a dietary or health supplement is a preparation that will usually take the form of a powder, tablet or shake. These preparations are developed to specifically provide the desired nutritional addition to your diet. Supplements can be developed to provide pretty much every type of nutrient there is, such as fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and most commonly of all, protein.

Whether these supplements fall under the food category or the drugs category is something that has been internationally disputed. However, the Codex Alimentarius Commission, which is the UNs highest authority of food standards, agrees that any supplements containing dietary vitamins or minerals comes under the category of food.

Probably the most common type of supplement is protein, but there are many, what you might call sub-categories within protein. For example, whey isolates, which usually contain amino peptides for muscle growth & recovery, Taurine for improved energy output and L-Glutamine for recovery.

Bodybuilders often consume a powdered protein supplement, the essential tools for building muscle. Protein powder, generally speaking, is usually taken immediately before and after a workout, or instead of a meal. The theory behind taking this type of supplement is that having a regular intake of protein allows for optimum growth and repair of muscle tissue.

The most common type of protein is whey protein (mentioned above), its absorbed into the bloodstream very quickly and contains all essential amino acids in high levels. Whey itself is a by-product of cheese making, and whey proteins are comprised of a mixture of globular proteins, which have been extracted from the whey.

Casein (milk protein) is another kind of protein that has very high levels of Glutamine which aids the bodys recovery. It also contains a substance that lets the body absorb amino acids over a longer time period. This substance is called casomorphin.

Soy Protein can also be concentrated into a supplement. It contains all the essential amino acids, and is a vegetarian alternative protein. Soybeans also contain isoflavones, which are a type of phytoestrogen, which have a weak estrogenic activity, to enhance testosterone levels.

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Calculate Weight Loss

By Dan Beckwith

It's not that hard to lose weight, in fact it's a guaranteed process. So, if you've noticed that your "love handles" aren't quite as lovable as it used to be - and you want to get rid of them - you've come to the right place.

We all know that diet and exercise will help us to lose weight it's the motivation part that tends to create problems. By creating a chart of your weight loss successes, it's easier to keep on track and keep motivated. Enter, the dreaded math.

As you lose weight, if you create a graph of your percentage of weight loss it will go a long way toward keeping you motivated. You start off at 100% of your total weight and as you lose you start to see the line going up, and up, and up - and it gets pretty exciting.

Here's how to calculate your weight loss percentage. First start off with your initial weight - how much did you weigh when you first started your diet program? Then, subtract the actual amount that you weigh right now. So for example if you weighed 200 pounds at the beginning of your diet program and you're now at 190 pounds... 200 -190 equals 10 pounds. Now, divide the 10 pounds by the initial weight. So, that means 200 divided into 10 equals 0.05. And finally we multiply our answer, 0.05 times 100 and that equals 5. So up to this point we have lost 5% of our total body weight.

If that seems confusing to you, re read the paragraph and follow along with the calculator it really is pretty simple.

Pick a certain time of day, and day of week, and weigh yourself at that time every week. Then calculate your total body percentage of weight loss and add it to your graph. You won't have to do that very many times before you realize how exciting it can be.

Note: our bodies fluctuate up and down in weight fairly radically throughout the day - so try to choose the same time of day for each weighing session. Also, our weight fluctuates on a day by day basis so don't do this everyday. It can be discouraging. Save it for a once a week thrill.

Build your diet so that you are losing between 2 and 5 pounds per week. We all know that you have to burn more calories than you take in, but we don't want to go overboard. It can be unhealthy and mess up your metabolism.

To determine how much you can eat, to gain or lose a pound involves 3500 calories. In other words if you eat 3500 calories more than you burn off you will gain 1 pound. By the same token if your body burns 3500 calories more than you take in you will lose 1 pound. So, if you want to lose 1 pound in 10 days that simply means that you have to burn off an extra 350 calories per day. (It can get more involved than that, but this is basically true.)

Burning 1000 calories per day more than you take in will lose you 2 pounds a week. Burning 2500 extra per day, will take off 5 pounds. You should structure your diet to fall somewhere within those two parameters.

Beware... your body does have to have a certain number of calories per day just to survive. This can vary depending on your level of fitness and your activities. For good health a woman's diet should never fall below 1200 calories per day and men should stick above 1600 calories.

At first, it may make you feel a little silly, but get some of those little gold stars and reward yourself with one every time you meet your goals for the week. Put it right on your graph. Start your graph today and you will soon realize how much fun it can be.

About the Author:

Thursday, May 28, 2009

I Don't Often Find Fitness Programs With Real Fitness Ad

By Trent Wachin

I don't often write reviews, but I've made an exception in this case. I believe there is more than just hype to the well known abs program 'The Truth About Abs'. Most 'lose fat' information on the web tends to be just a lot of sales copy in front of a gimmicky product or crash diet. The reason I want you to read this whole article is so you can see that there is actually some solid information in this plan, and if followed will change your success with your get fit and stay fit endevours.

The e-book "The Truth About Abs" that Mike Geary has written is more than a guide to getting ripped abs - since the abs are only a small part of the whole picture. This is an easy to follow program that will help you change your eating habits and patterns, and give you exercise routines to boost your metabolism and build core strength and lean muscle. The book covers 3 main topics -

1. An introduction to the program, and general information on what it means to be lean, body fat percentage, what effective abs training is, metabolism, and lean body mass.

2. Workouts, information on how to exercise more efficiently, multi-joint vs single joint exercises, and total body work outs with surprising information on why cardio IS NOT the best way to lose weight; and

3. Diet and Nutrition, including information on blood sugar and insulin, the Glycemic Index, and the thermic (calorie burning) effects of food.

The workout schedules are easy to follow and don't take up much of your time. The Truth About Abs training program is broken down into two sections that include Interval training and Resistance and Weight training. Mike suggests that anything longer then 45-60 minutes per session is not a good use of your time. He breaks down his training program into 45-60 minute session, 3-4 times per week.

If you are serious about getting a toned body then this schedule should easily fit into your week. You don't need to be a member at a fancy gym and you don't really need to have equipment at home. However, Mike suggests having an exercise ball and set of dumb bells at home to most effectively perform the suggested workouts. This basic equipment can easily be purchased for 30-40 dollars and will be worth every penny.

There is a huge amount of nutrition advice that Mike has included in this program. The suggested diet plan calls for 5-6 smaller meals per day, eating every 3 hours (not including sleeping hours). An important tip is to plan your meals for an entire week, and shop once a week getting only the food you need for those meals.

Outside of planned, smaller, more often eating patterns, Mike also explains how to figure out your daily calorie requirements. This is used as a guide for figuring out your overall food plan. I have to say that this part of the book was inspiring - part of this losing weight program actually recommends regular and tasty meals - definately not a restricted, imbalanced, fad diet. There is an entire section of this book explaining why crash diets actually cause weight gain.

The meal plans provided in the book make it easy to shop for and prepare your food. The meal plans provide more than enough food - you are unlikely to experience hunger pains - however the plans are most likely a change from your current diet, and in order to be successful you need to be disciplined with your nutrition. This will be vitally important to your success. It is clearly stated in this book that to succeed on the Truth About Abs program, you must apply BOTH the training strategies as well as the food strategies.

If you're like me, you've procrastinated on starting a real plan for losing weight for a long time. Mike's program was just the incentive I needed to get started, and he provides so much information and detailed workout and meal plans, it was a lot easier to stick with my goals.

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Does Tea Speed Up Metabolism

By Jared Rothe

For thousands of years the Chinese have drank tea. They drink it for all sorts of reasons for medicinal purposes or for just pleasuer. There are many different types to teas: black, oolong, green, red, white, jasmin, etc.. Tea will help you to lose weight and reduce stress levels. Many are also wondering if tea increases your metabolism.

Tea has many benefits and one certainly is that increases your metabolism. The metabolic rate will increase tremendously to help you burn more calories during your day. This will help you shed pounds and in addition when you drink tea it reduces your appetite so you won't be hungry as often.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition does studies on weight loss. One particular study they did dealt with green tea as a supplement to your diet. They found that the individuals who drank tea burned 30-40 percent more calories than those who didn't drink tea. There was even one study that compared two particular individuals of the same weight classification. The one who drank tea lost double the amount of weight as the one who didn't drink tea.

So the question again is, does tea speed up your metabolism? The answer is yes. It has been proven to help speed up metabolism. It is a drink that is also rich in antioxidants. There have been many studies on green tea and it has been shown that those who are dieting can benefit even more with green tea. In November1999, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a result of study on green tea in Geneva Switzerland. Researchers found that people taking only caffeine were not loosing as many calories as those using green tea.

Many teas have different levels of antioxidants and different amounts of minerals. But think about adding some oolong tea, green tea, or any other form of tea to your diet if your wanting to lose weight and drink something healthy for your body.

There are other benefits of drinking tea such as protecting your body from dangerous heart diseases and cancer. So drink tea to protect your body and health.

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Here's The Ideal Source of Foods That Speed Up Your Metabolism

By Dan Beckwith

Let's talk a minute about what to eat. Any good, healthy diet will include vegetables. But, for foods that speed up your metabolism, what kind of vegetables should we eat?

As part of any balanced diet, eating most any type of vegetables will kick start your metabolism. However, if you truly want to see the weight start melting away, you'll have to start thinking about calories.

To basically understand what calories are, consider a calorie as nothing more than energy.

You eat something - it could be a carrot or it could be a cube of sugar - and it provides calories. Your body has to deal with this energy - if you need it, you burn off the calories. If you don't need the energy, the body MUST do SOMETHING with it, so it gets stored as fat.

Our metabolism will slow down if we cut back too much on calories, so we have to find a way to boost our calorie usage. Basically, we are looking for foods that will speed up your metabolism but that still don't provide quite enough calories. Fast metabolism versus not enough calories equals disappearing fat.

Wouldn't it be nice, if we could find a way to keep our metabolism at full speed but still not getting enough energy? Then, the excess energy would come from fat. (And we would finally get skinny.)

Foods that have negative calories are just what we're looking for.

Negative calorie foods are like an edible version of a jog around the park. You are still getting all the nutrients you need, your metabolism is still working at full speed and yet you still have a deficit of energy - which your body provides by burning fat calories.

For foods that speed up your metabolism, it doesn't get any better than that!

What is meant by negative calorie foods? Glad you asked.

Anything you eat has calories, but at the same time, your body has to burn off a certain number of calories in order to digest food.

With negative calorie foods, they use more calories during digestion, than they provide us. So, theory says that we could eat all day and wind up losing weight! Here is what we mean. When you eat a piece of broccoli, it gives you about 25 calories. Your body needs about 80 calories just for digestion, so you lose 55 calories every time you eat some broccoli.

For example a 100 gram piece of broccoli has about 25 calories. But, it takes 80 calories to digest! You LOSE 55 calories every time you eat a piece of broccoli.

Pretty neat, wouldn't you say?

Here's a listing of a few negative calorie vegetables...

Zucchini, turnip, spinach, radish, onion, lettuce, green beans, garlic, Garden cress, cucumber, hot chili, chicory, celery, cauliflower, carrot, cabbage, broccoli, beet root, asparagus.

There are quite a few more. It isn't physically or scientifically possible NOT to lose weight if you are eating a negative calorie diet. Check out my website for more information.

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Review of the Sanyo DR7700 Massage Chair Recliner

By James Knolan

Our goal is to present a potential massage chair buyer with a comprehensive and unbiased review of a given massage chair. We have developed a 5 category system to evaluate a massage chair. We give equal weight to each category and give 0 to 20 points rating and then add them up to present an overall score. Our categories include Warranty & Customer Service, Comfort/Ergonomics, Ease of Use, Features and Massage Therapy. This systematic approach forces us to a disciplined method of evaluating a massage chair to help guide anyone looking at massage chairs. The Sanyo HEC-DR7700K shiatsu massage chair price is in the luxury range of $4,000 to $5,000.

Warranty & Customer Service: It is important that the manufacturer stand behind its product. A good gage of the company's confidence is its warranty coverage and duration. Sanyo gives a 1 year labor, 1 year parts and 1 year in-home service. It does cover the roller mechanism for 3 years. Sanyo is well below other manufacturers in this category with its parts and labor. Sanyo recently instituted in-home service with the 1 year in-home whereas most are 90 days. Customer service is good. Sanyo has a national hot line with 24/7 service. Turnaround time on service is good. Our Rating in this category is 14.

Comfort & Ergonomics: A massage chair needs to be comfortable and fit the body. Otherwise, you will only use the chair for massage. The chair back of the DR7700K is comfortable and the upholstery is well padded. The head pillow is soft and the thickness is appropriate. The seat is ok and the armrests have sufficient padding. The footrest is comfortable, but cannot be adjusted. If you are 5' 10" or more, then your knees must be bent when the footrest is raised. This is a bit restrictive for a large portion of the population. Our rating in this category is 15.

East of Use: With the advance of electronics, the controls and features can just be overwhelming unless you work for NASA or JPL. Sanyo has made the controller fairly simple to use compared to what is out there. There are 4 automatic programs where one can select and just sit back and relax. There is one button to take you to Zero Gravity which is nice. A side panel contains many manual controls with basic controls for the massage techniques and the lower body air system. The sub-remote allows the chair to be raised or lowered and has the stiffness detector built in. Our rating in this category is 19.

Key Features: The most prominent features of the Sanyo HEC-DR7700K are the GK Rollers and the Zero Gravity Position. Sanyo designed jointed massage heads into the GK Rollers that have the capability to grip the shoulders. This GK Roller system is the first attempt by a massage chair manufacturer to bring in a third dimension to massage. The gripping action is soothing in the shoulders and neck areas. Zero Gravity is achieved by raising the knees above the heart with the chair back 170 degrees. The Sanyo HEC-DR7700K is an 18 in Key Features.

Massage Therapy: The massage functions are included in the Sanyo HEC-DR7700K includes Four automatic full body programs, 5 different speed settings and a 83 combinations of manual massage courses. The automatic massage functions include the following: Shiatsu, Kneading, Tapping, and Kneading & Tapping. Sanyo equips the HEC-DR7700K with its GK Rollers providing a gripping action to the shoulders and neck regions. The lower body has 24 airbags of coverage. The airbags provide an undulating sole shiatsu massage. This shiatsu massage chair is overall very solid giving good massage therapy and variety. Overall Rating for the Sanyo HEC-DR7700K massage recliner for massage therapy is 19.

How does the Sanyo HEC-DR7700K stack up? Overall, our rating of the Panasonic is an 85/100. Sanyo brings some cutting edge technology with their GK Rollers and Zero Gravity into its massage chairs. The design is fairly modern leaning toward minimalist. The controls are fairly well designed and easy to use. Main drawback is the weaker warranty coverage and added expense for an extended warranty as well as the footrest not being adjustable. Otherwise, the Sanyo HEC-DR7700K has solid technology and is fairly effective in delivering relief. Hopefully, Sanyo will design more for the American market and include more ergonomic chairs in the future, but for now the HEC-DR7700K is a solid choice.

About the Author:

Changing Your Life With Ever Cleanse!

By Dorthy Weatherbush

If you are in search of a way to cleanse your body so that you can look and feel better than you do now, then Ever Cleanse may be the product for you. There are a plethora of products on the market, making it difficult to know which product is right for you. It is possible that you have experimented with some of those products only to discover that none of them worked for you. However, do not let this discourage you from trying something new.

The thing to know though is that Ever Cleanse sets itself out from the crowd by using trademarked ingredients that are backed up by scientific research. Laboratories that are inspected by the FDA also test all of their products. Since a lot of the other companies out there use cheaper ingredients to keep more of the profit for themselves, the effectiveness of their products is bound to suffer. But with Ever Cleanse, all you are going to find is high quality products, which means that you are going to get the results you have been looking for all this time.

So what should anticipate when you begin using Ever Cleanse? Ever Cleanse is a colon cleansing program designed to detoxify the body. It is built to cleanse and rid your body of the waste left behind inside of your body, ultimatley giving you a better functioning digestive system. Once the detoxification process has begun, you will probably begin to lose some weight. This is due tot he toxin buildup that is being removed from your body, which does weigh a significant amount. Thus, you will weigh less on a scale. Moreover, this is not a temporary solution to weight loss, as the weight will come off and stay off.

Lots of people have found that they had more energy and more alertness than they ever had before trying Ever Cleanse. In addition to being more active and alert, the reported having healthier looking and feeling skin, and had an overall level of confidence that was much higher. The toxins in your body truly weigh you down in every part of your life. But once you remove these toxins, life will begin to look better.

So if you have tried a lot of the different products on the market only to find that you were not impressed, now is the time to invest in something different. Once you try Ever Cleanse you will see the difference and wonder why you had not stumbled across it earlier. It is important to make sure that you are not giving up on having the weight, the skin, and the energy that you need and deserve. Make sure that you are looking into it so that you are not going another day without feeling like your old self again. It is worth the minimal time involved in order to gain the incredible results that are awaiting you.

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Is Green Tea as Effective as Wu Yi Tea?

By Jared Rothe

Wu yi tea and green tea are very similar in what they do. They remove and protect the body from free radicals. They also contain many vitamins and minerals that are very beneficial to your health. The difference is where the tea is harvested and also how it is harvested.

Nevertheless, these natural substances come in different concentrations in green tea and wu yi tea. The main reason for this is the different fermentation processes that these tealeaves undergo. Green tea is dried and packaged without fermentation. Wu yi tea, on the other hand, is semi-fermented. This means that wu yi undergoes a certain level of fermentation under the sun that of course affects its flavor, aroma and texture, and the concentration of substances in it as well.

Instead of trying to immediately decipher whether green tea is as effective as wu yi, let us try to determine where their differences lie.Tea had been found the aid greatly in naturally keeping our bodies healthy. The substances that can be found in tea include caffeine and tannin. Tannin can be sub categorized into polyphenols, cathecin, and teaflavin/ tearubigin.

The next concentration in tea is caffeine. Caffeine is abundant and research has suggested that it can reduce the risk of parkinsons disease, type 2 diabetes, and colon cancer. Caffeine in the right amount is very beneficial to the body.

Wu yi tea differs slightly in the tannin sub group classification. Wu yi tea has less amounts of cathecin than green tea. Cathechin plays a role in reducing the risk of diabetes, heart failure, and stroke. It is also very important in delaying the aging process.

Meanwhile, wu yi tea has a slightly higher level of concentration of the tannin teaflavin and tannin tearubugin. These compounds are continually being studied because of their natural capacity to lower blood cholesterol levels, anti-oxidant properties, and capacity to prevent dementia in old age or AIDS cases.

Lastly, tannin polyphenols are significantly in higher levels of concentration in wu yi than in green tea. Polyphenols are known to reduce the risks of cancer, diabetes mellitus, degenerative diseases, cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, and others. It is a powerful form of anti-oxidant thus helps reduce cholesterol in the body, together with other toxic compounds that may be harmful to our health.

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The Natural Way Of Treating Candida

By Jason Myers

Give credit to the preamble of natural remedies and improvements in medical science and technology, different effective Candida treatments are available today. Although a specific remedy may be effective for one person and not work for another, it pays to research all the pro's and con's of a Candida medication before espousing it.

Whether to apply a natural remedy to treat Candida or to apply a Western procedure is a controversial matter which boils down to how a person will respond, and decide which of the two options to follow. A medical professional who prescribes any Candida procedure always take account of an anti-fungal treatment such as Clortimazole or Miconazole. Both of these medications have proven to be very effective over time, although you will always get an alternative.

An effective natural path to assist these prescribed treatments work is to change the dietary program in such a way that it is yeast and sugar free. This frustrates Candida's development as it will be stripped of any appropriate breeding ground. Meanwhile, Candida can be treated through the procedure called Immunotherapy i.e. applying anti-genic extracts to attack the ailments contributed by this yeast infection.

A homeopathic approach can also help effectively in Candida medication. This is a procedure concentrated on cleansing the body organs that pay homage to Candida yeast i.e. the digestive system and the intestinal tract. Acupuncturealso serves as an alternative Candida treatment as it is believed to aid in stimulating the immune system.

Very essential to keep in mind though is that for these and all other remedies to work effectively, there needs to be an accurate diagnosis at the outset, by a certified practitioner. The reason is that there are various conditions whose symptoms are similar to that of Candidiasis. It implies that using improper medication will only make things worse.

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Pregnant Women Who Follow Mediterranean Diet Protect Their Offspring From Asthma.

By Ray Darken

Pregnant women the world over now have even more reason to watch what they eat. Researchers at the University of Crete have proven that expectant mothers who follow a traditional Mediterranean diet are protecting their unborn children from the nasty consequences of childhood asthma and allergies.

The Mediterranean Diet study was conducted on pregnant women who lived in Menorca, a Spanish island. Researchers from the University of Crete monitored what sort of Mediterranean foods the women ate, and scored them correspondingly.

The pregnant women in the study, who all hailed from Menorca, an island off Spain, were monitored by the quality of the Mediterranean foods that they ate. Mothers' diets were designated as high quality, low quality, and Western diet. The study started in 1997 and followed 507 pregnant women. Their offspring were monitored until they turned 6.5 years. Although 507 mums were in the study only 468 children were eventually documented. (Some apparently were eliminated for a variety of reasons.)

The children were monitored annually until they reached the age of 6.5 years. These children were also skin tested at the end of the study, which began in 1997, for 6 common respiratory allergens. Researchers also concluded that the diets of the children once born had much less of a protective benefit than the insurance provided by their pregnant mothers' diets.

What is the Mediterranean Diet? This diet is so called as it is based on a pattern of eating followed by various regional folk who live around the Mediterranean. Typically, Mediterranean cuisine comprises of plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, red wine, and olive oil. Fish is eaten moderately, and red meat is rarely eaten. Dairy products such as eggs, milk, cheeses, yogurts, and poultry are eaten in lesser amounts.

Researchers surmised that the protective health benefits of Mediterranean Diet for the unborn children came from 2 sources, antioxidants and omegas. Both these 2 ingredients are found in high amounts in Mediterranean cuisine. Antioxidants are beneficial in providing tissue health and omegas provide anti-inflammatory properties, especially in the airways (important in asthma).

There are many known and proven Mediterranean Diet health benefits already.These include preventing heart disease, diabetes type 2, prostate cancer, stroke, and many other insidious life shortening diseases that are wide spread through the Western world. The University of Crete study into the Mediterranean Diet and pregnancy has proven that allergies and childhood asthma can be significantly reduced.

Conclusion - Following a quality Mediterranean Diet in pregnancy has been shown to significantly reduce the incidences of both allergies and asthma in the children of these mothers. Maximum protectives benefits were found in the expectant women who close followed a traditional Mediterranean diet and ate at least 3 serves of fish weekly, 8 serves of vegetables weekly, and at least 1 serve of legumes.

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The Effects of Obesity on an Individual

By Jen Smith

If a person has a body mass index of 30 and above, he or she is considered to be suffering from a medical condition called Obesity. The percentage of people who are obese is very alarming due to its fast increase. Every country all over the world seems to be facing the rising problem of obesity. Obesity can have negative effects on the obese person. Not everyone will experience the same effects, but the risk is still there.

Low self-esteem may affect people who are suffering from obesity. They tend to develop a feeling of being scrutinized and embarrassed because of their physical appearance. This is because some people are so insensitive and give out negative comments. So an obese individual develop different mood swings - there are times that they feel depressed and afraid to face the world.

Clothes for obese individual are hard to find unless you want to buy in a special store that caters to your size for an additional cost. This is quite degrading for some because you can't shop just anywhere. It's hard to make yourself presentable even if you want to be wearing a tuxedo.

Obesity is often associated with chronic fatigue syndrome. The vitality of someone with this syndrome is lowered, and this affects their ability to move. It may also affect their mental alertness. When they exercise, they feel tired and exhausted even if they only did a little bit.

Individuals who are fat may develop chronic conditions that require them to have medical treatment. They experience back problems associated with their inability to stretch and support their body eight. They might not want to consult a doctor thinking that they will be lectured about their diet and daily activities.

Some individuals think that fat is a sign of being healthy, but that is not true. They eventually develop medical problems that can be a threat to their life. The most common disease that is associated with obesity is diabetes which makes them prone to heart disease too. They can also acquire liver disease when they take medications for additional health problems they develop.

Being obese can affect the fertility and pregnancy of women. The effects are reduced ovulation and a lowered response to fertility treatment. It also decreases the chance of pregnancy. Certain risks may lead to birth defects and pregnancy hypertension. Obesity can also cause post-pregnancy complications such as urinary tract infections and wounds that do not heal easily.

As you see, obesity reduces the overall quality of life in addition to posing a major risk for all kinds of illnesses. It can be life-threatening because of the health problems that will develop and will require medical attention. Obesity also affects one's happiness because they are not able to do things that require a lot of action. Just like the other effects of overeating, obesity is just no fun!

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How To Find Your Way To Sustainable Weight Loss

By Lena Hellsten

Losing weight is for a lot of people something that feels like a struggle in many ways. It may seem like something that just dont work however hard they try. All sorts of diets are being tested and for one reason or the other the body temple stays the same. Sometimes the person isnt able to follow through and at other times the diets simply dont give the results that is desired.

This is most likely because you have focused too much on the action part of losing weight, while not paying any attention to what is at the core of your disability to lose weight.

In most cased, the reason why some people just cant lost weight is because they have patterns of thought, believes and behaviors that do not support weight loss. At the core of everyone that is being in your experience are believes that forms programs that your unconscious responds to and then creates circumstances that supports those believes.

A lot of the believes we have are inherited from our surroundings or taken on together with some intense emotional experience and do not serve us at all. These then form patterns of behavior that creates an unconscious habit.

To give an example; Maybe someone was under-stimulated as a child and therefore was feeling bored a lot of the time. Then the person began to turn to food to give himself some sense of entertainment. This formed a habit and now, whenever the person feels bored, he grabs for something to eat. Since it is an unconscious pattern, he might believe that feeling bored and being under-stimulated is something he just is and do not even consider, at this stage, the possibility of changing this pattern.

In this case it will be much more beneficial to actually go to the core and find a way to release the underlying cause thats making the people eat excessively. There are many ways to do this for example with the help of hypnosis, NLP, EFT, mindfulness together with positive focus and affirmations.

When youve found the way to release the old pattern and underlying emotional cause the behavior thats related to it will no longer be triggered and you will naturally begin to create circumstances that supports a healthy and slim body.

This is one example of something that can cause overweight. Everyone has their own reasons and to experience successful weight loss its important to find what really works for you.

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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Healthy Eating Facts: This Will Guarantee Healthy Weight Loss...

By Dan Beckwith

There are bunches of good, healthy eating facts out there and it can get incredibly confusing. Bad carbs, good carbs, protein, nutrients...It's enough to make you want to pull your hair out.

Today, let's put away the latest calorie counting charts and discuss a tactic that is incredibly easy and is guaranteed to help you lose weight, and eat more healthy. It is truly one of the best healthy eating facts around.

Think about this for a moment... when was the last time you ordered a pizza or picked up dinner from a fast food place?

You know the super deluxe pizza, or the hamburger and fries are bad for you... so, why? Why did you go there?

I'm sure there are exceptions, but my guess would be that most of you grabbed the burger or pizza for no reason other than - you didn't know what to fix for dinner. The fast food place was on the way home, and it offered a simple solution.

That may indeed be a fact, but not one of the healthy eating facts! True, after a hard day's work, the last thing we want to do is have to come up with an idea for a meal. It's even worse when you throw in the healthy, lose weight restrictions. (Tossing a frozen pizza in the oven is no better than having one delivered.)

Here's how to solve that problem...On your next day off (or whenever you can) set aside a couple hours and plan your dinner menu for each day in the coming week! Go two weeks if you are feeling ambitious.

Put each daily menu on its own separate piece of paper and put them all into a three ring binder. You could separate the days with multicolored tabs if you want to really get fancy. Eventually you may even want to laminate the pages.

Then, each evening when you get home, flip to that days' recipe and make it. Get in the habit of NEVER - under any circumstance - deviating.

You will totally stop the impulse buying from the local fast food place, save a lot of money, and never have to worry about what to fix for dinner.

It may seem overly simple, but it works and it will save you quite a bit of money too!

If you had a personal chef, and their job was to fix you healthy, nutritious, low-calorie meals, you would expect them to preplan the menu. If they always waited until the last minute for inspiration, you would most likely fired them. Think of yourself in the same way, pre-plan your meals. Then, don't change your plans during the week.

The funny thing is, although it may seem as a chore now, eventually it will become a habit and you will truly love your little binder.

It's a fact! If you plan all of your meals to be healthy, nutritious and low calorie, you must lose your excess weight and be healthier. It will work,there aren't any other options.

When the first week is over, do it all again. Create a new plan for the new week. If you make them all different recipes, by the end of the month you will have an entire month's worth of unique meals.

Every dinner - for 28 days - will be unique (so you don't get sick of eating the same things over and over), tasty, nutritious, and low calorie. At this point, if you want to, you could stop your weekly planning and just continuously rotate your daily meal plans.

I think that's one of the best healthy eating facts out there, and it will help you save a bundle at the grocery store.

For a free subscription to my "Fast Weight Loss" mini-course, check out my website. There is quite a bit of informative information there too!

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Watching TV Taught Me A Terrific Weight Loss Workout Plan

By Dan Beckwith

Many years ago, while watching television (one of those prime time teen soap operas), I saw something that was so fascinating that I remember it to this day.

As a motivator for your daily weight loss workout plan, I don't think I've ever run across anything better. I can't remember the name of the show or the name of the actors but I sure do remember this!

One of the teens was an athlete. He played on the high school football team as I recall. It may have been basketball. Anyway...one scene showed him in bed, sound asleep (getting enough sleep is important to weight loss too - but that's a discussion for another day) and the alarm went off.

Most of us hit the snooze button over and over, but not him! He reached out (with his eyes closed - apparently he doesn't like getting up any more than you do) fumbled around a few seconds until he found the switch to turn the alarm off.

Nothing very memorable yet, but it does get better.

As soon as he managed to turn off the alarm clock, he rolled out of bed. Be aware, that I am not using "rolled out of bed" as a figure of speech. I mean to say he literally rolled out of bed. He landed on the floor in a basic push-up position and then proceeded to crank out 10 quick push-ups.

Can you imagine a better way to get your heart started in the morning? Give this a shot, in no time it becomes addicting.

Let me throw in one quick aside though, be careful. You don't want to roll off the bed and hurt yourself. Feel free to get out of bed the way you normally do, and then get down on the floor for your push-ups.

I really don't like to exercise - and I assume you don't either! I find myself sitting around all day trying to talk myself into getting started. More often than not, I never get started it all. It's like the elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about.

But, if we just automatically do it the instant we get up, like our intrepid teen, it quickly becomes just another part of your daily morning ritual.

Quickly do 10 push-ups, then you could possibly add in some crunches or jumping jacks. Then... well, I'm sure you know the rest.

Before you know it, and without all the normal mental anguish - your daily weight loss workout plan will be finished. Then, you are free for the whole day! You'll feel energized and just that much healthier.

Visit at my website where you will find dozens of informative articles. You can also get free access to my "Fast Weight Loss Tips" mini-course.

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Does acai berry really work?

By Jackson Fernandez

Acai is a smallish berry that's purple in color, and it's native to the rainforests of the Amazon, especially in Brazil. The natives of Brazil have known of the wonderful benefits of acai for many years, and now you can experience the renewed vitality that acai brings. The acai berry has a lot of benefits, like a drop in blood pressure, and an increase in energy. Some even believe it's an aphrodisiac.

Almost no other food on Earth can match the potent antioxidant levels of acai berries. Antioxidants are well known to combat the detrimental effects of free radicals.A lot of purple berries, like raspberries and blueberries, are good sources of beneficial antioxidants, and acai is right at the top of the heap.

The rind of an acai berry has a potent chemical known as an anthocyanin. These are extremely effective antioxidants, and they naturally occur in other things like red wine and red grapes. Acai fruit is packed with essential fatty acids, fiber, plant sterols and polyphenols.

If you're worried about your cholesterol level, research suggests that acai supplementation can help you moderate it. There isn't really a "cure all" food that will aid every condition, but the mounting evidence seems to say that taking acai regularly can elevate your mood and energy, and just make you feel better overall.

The ways to consume acai are only limited by your imagination. There's acai juice, which is delicious by itself, or you can mix it with other fruit juices like cranberry or cherry, or perhaps stir a bit into a glass of tea. If that's not your style, you can get any one of the many available capsule acai supplements or even an acai-packed nutrition bar.

There are numerous studies that tout the many health benefits of acai berry. A 2006 study by the University of Florida proved that acai berry could kill off human cancer cells in lab tests. Research into the cancer-fighting properties of acai is ongoing.

On the Oprah show, Dr. Oz talked about acai and its many health benefits, bringing this wonderful fruit into the spotlight. If you're looking for acai supplements, they can be found in health food stores, grocery stores, drugstores, and online outlets. Try acai berries in a drink or in capsule form, but everyone should reap the benefits of this "wonder fruit".

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How To Lose Arm Fat With The Internet

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

There is an infinite amount of sites on the internet offering the promise on how to lose arm fat. And it can be extremely challenging to discern which sites are offering the right approach. Too many savvy marketers are out to make a quick buck.

And the worst part is that once you think youve finally found the right answers, your arms could end up looking bigger than before. This type of letdown will drain you of any lingering motivation to achieve your goals. Unfortunate, but very very true.

What can you do to avoid this?

Well, before purchasing any solutions from fitness experts, you HAVE to look out for the following indicators:

1. The weight loss cure-all. By convincing you that weight loss is the key, marketers can sell you on comprehensive (and very expensive) weight loss programs. Once you remit payment, your inbox will be flooded with myriad eBooks, audio files, calculators, etc. You will feel overwhelmed and the truth is that learning how to lose arm fat isnt this complicated.

2. Hard to see before and after pictures. If you cant really see the person in the before and after picture than he probably doesnt exist. Seriously. Anybody can pay somebody overseas to modify a digital picture for pennies on the dollar. Look for crystal clear before and after pictures that clearly show the same person.

3. Lots of bonuses. If the website keeps on trying to upgrade your package, then move on. Getting sexy arms is a simple process that doesnt require a platinum level package with 50 eBooks. This abused marketing technique leads you to believe that youre getting more for your money.

4. Once-in-a-lifetime discounts. The odds are that its not a once-in-a-lifetime discount, but rather a basic ploy to get you to buy now. If you are allegedly getting a $500 program for $20, then dont look twice and close the window immediately.

5. List after list of certifications. The fitness industry is not regulated and any Joe blow can become a trainer in only 2 days. And once Joe blow is a certified trainer, hell proclaim himself an expert! Stay away from so called experts that list endless certifications that mean nothing.

The desire to learn how to lose arm fat should not limit your ability to identify questionable offers on the net. There are good programs out there, and you are now better prepared to find them!

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The Benefits of a Low Carb diet

By Nikki Keating

There are many people that think of a low carb diet as a fad that was all the rage ten years ago. Referring to a low carb diet as a fad is really not the best way to describe the diet plan. The word 'fad" infers that the diet is not a good strategy. Really, a low carb diet plan is one of the simplest and fastest ways to successfully lose weigh.

It is true that low carb diets will help you lose weight and can also get rid of excess fat. One of the best things about a low carb diet is the fact that you do not have to count calories or put severe restrictions on what you consume. If you are wondering what makes this diet work so well, here is a quick overview of the most critical points.

Our bodies need some form of energy in order to function properly. Fats, carbohydrates and to a lesser degree, proteins are burned to create the necessary energy. The body always chooses to burn carbs first so it is important to limit the amount of carbs you eat if you are inactive. Carbs that are not burned for energy will immediately turn to fat. If you dramatically cut back on the amount of carbohydrates that you consume, your body will naturally begin burning fat for fuel. This means that you are guaranteed to lose weight if you reduce you consumption of carbs.

Foods containing carbs should be avoided including fruits, vegetables, rice, bread, starches and sugars. In the early phase of the low carb you should cut out all carbs. Replace high carbohydrate foods with eggs, fish, chicken, meat and cheese. This way your body burns up all the carbs in your body. If they are not replaced your body will be forced to metabolize any stored fat. You will also shed a great deal of retained water since carbs are a major culprit in water retention.

There is another point worth mentioning here. If you significantly increase your exercise program, you will lose weight even quicker. This is because exercise requires a great deal of energy expenditure. So, when you burn calories during your workouts, no carb calories are being utilized since you are not eating any carbs.

This is the strategy that bodybuilders use when they want to get ripped before competition. You will not have to work out to that degree, but even a small amount of exercise can boost your efforts tremendously. By doing just 20 minutes of cardio, you will be on your way to losing weight with very little effort.

In reality you don't have to work out that much at all. There are many people that never work out that find success on a low carb diet. In order for the body to burn the energy needed to function, it will use the fats stored in your body if there are no carbs present.

Once again, it is unfair to call the concept of a low carb diet a fad. It is a successful diet strategy that has been employed for decades and will continue to remain popular for many more. There is good reason for this: it works.

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Monday, May 25, 2009

Does Oprah Really Believe in Acai?

By Megan Smith

Research has shown that the acai berry is one of the most powerful anti-aging foods discovered by scientists. Used for centuries in the Brazilian rainforests, acai berries loaded with amino acids, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids. Oprah has promoted acai on her show at least two times in the past year.

The fatty acid content in acai berry is the same as that found in flax oil, grapeseed oil, olive oil, and other healthily oils. .By keeping the cell membrane vital and flexible, all insulin receptors and neurotransmitter work better, not to mention hormones. Oleic acid, also present in acai, helps omega-3 rich oils enter through the cell membrane. Together these health boosters help make cell membranes more supple. This is particularly critical as high insulin levels create an unhealthy state which causes premature aging. The anti-premature aging powers of acai interested Oprah.

Acai berries also contain healthy fats, dietary fiber and phytosterols to help promote cardiovascular health, digestive health, and immune health. Acai berries really are a super food. Acai contains a powerful concentration of antioxidants that help combat the effects of aging. These antioxidants keep skin relaxed and are reputed to actually reverse pre-existing wrinkles. Acai berries have also been proven to fight against the number one killer of adults in America, heart disease. These healthy berries also contain an essential amino acid complex which is critical to proper muscle functioning, both regeneration and contraction.

The evidence of the scientific community definitely establishes that your health will be improved by regularly taking acai berry juice or supplements. So what is the problem? Google acai. The internet is swamped with online sites promoting acai berry as promoted by Oprah. These eye catching sites contain all the reasons you should supplement your with acai. Some of the sites even include a photo of Oprah and acai berry. The sites include first person testimonials and promises from people who have enjoyed increased health and weight loss as a result of taking of acai. For the most part this might be true. The scam comes in the form of sites that offer a free trial of acai berry juice or or a free trial of acai supplement.

Thousands of people have complained that within a few days of ordering their free sample they received a big bill for a full month supply. Others are reporting that the effort to cancel an unwanted ongoing acai order is wildly difficult and requires lengthy periods of being on the telephone. Many customers are receiving bills for acai that they never wanted to order. That's the scam.

Go ahead and enjoy the health benefits of the acai berry. Oprah does. But whatever you do, buy the product from a reputable dealer. You won't notice the health benefits during a short trial period anyway. Reputable and honest dealers outline their cancelation policies clearly and don?t have to entice people with free offers.

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