P.O.R.N. Diets

I am coining this term as I feel some of the diets out there are so radical they need to be discussed in one place.

We here from our favorite celebrities daily and some of us live for this. We follow them on Twitter, talk about them on Bebo and MySpace or e mail each other about them especially when a new diet is talked about.

There have been some over the top radical diets in the past like the 'Air diet', not a very popular one for obvious reasons unlike the 'Chocolate' diet. Then there is the more main stream 'Atkins' diet or 'The Dash Diet' or even 'The South Beach Diet'. All have there plus and minus points and their advocates and nay sayers as well.

The trick when it comes to diets if there is a trick in selecting one would be to thoroughly research the topic. The mere fact that there literally are thousands of diets commercially available shown on television, billboards or even your local Chemist shop.

Here will be many, many articles pertaining to the topic of P.O.R.N. Diets circulating our media and your opinion on them is most welcome. Maybe you have been on one and would like to praise it or maybe warn others away from it. Whatever you may like to share, diet related, please do.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Is Acai Berry A Super-Fruit?

By Dana Hawkes

The Acai Berry has been discovered as a super fruit and there have been extensive reasons given to prove the same. It is also said to have a great amount of antioxidants.

However, you will be stunned to know that these same antioxidants damaged cultured human cancer cells in a study in the University of Florida in 2006. This study was particularly carried out to find out the real facts and benefits of the "super fruit".

Studies show that the positive impact against cancer cells is the not only benefit derived from acai berry; acai berry has a great effect on our entire body.

Acai berry is absolutely loaded with all the vitamins and minerals required by the human body. It not only has a good proportion of antioxidants, but also contains anthocyanins and that too in a handsome quantity (20 times the quantity available in red wine). It also consists of omega 9 fatty acids and omega 6 which are not frequently found in fruits. Unlike other fruit juices, acai berries are very low in calories. They also have fiber, minerals like iron, magnesium, calcium, amino acids, vitamins B1, B2, B3, C and E and calcium.

All these key elements can be very beneficial while fighting:

Aging: The natural aging process is delayed as there is high amount of anthocyanin, Omega 9 fatty acids and Omega 6.

Heart Ailments: There is a large content of phytosterols in acai berry which helps in preventing heart ailments.

Keeping Cholesterol in Check: Acai berry also helps to keep the correct cholesterol levels in the body.

Now, you must be thinking that a fruit which is so useful would surely taste like a tonic and thus, must be very hard to consume. However, on the contrary, acai berries taste very nice and you would require taking a fine amount of them.

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