P.O.R.N. Diets

I am coining this term as I feel some of the diets out there are so radical they need to be discussed in one place.

We here from our favorite celebrities daily and some of us live for this. We follow them on Twitter, talk about them on Bebo and MySpace or e mail each other about them especially when a new diet is talked about.

There have been some over the top radical diets in the past like the 'Air diet', not a very popular one for obvious reasons unlike the 'Chocolate' diet. Then there is the more main stream 'Atkins' diet or 'The Dash Diet' or even 'The South Beach Diet'. All have there plus and minus points and their advocates and nay sayers as well.

The trick when it comes to diets if there is a trick in selecting one would be to thoroughly research the topic. The mere fact that there literally are thousands of diets commercially available shown on television, billboards or even your local Chemist shop.

Here will be many, many articles pertaining to the topic of P.O.R.N. Diets circulating our media and your opinion on them is most welcome. Maybe you have been on one and would like to praise it or maybe warn others away from it. Whatever you may like to share, diet related, please do.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Fasting To Lose Weight: What You Need To Know

By Michael Toth

A weight loss method growing in popularity is fasting to lose weight. After all, wouldn't it be easiest to lose weight if you stopped eating altogether? The reality is that fasting to lose weight really doesn't work, and it can have serious long-term consequences.

Fasting to Lose Weight: The Issue of Metabolism

Fasting to lose weight would be perfectly practical if it weren't for your body's metabolism. When you stop eating, your brain tells your body that it needs to conserve energy because you're starving. This means that when fasting to lose weight your body burns calories at a much slower pace. Furthermore, your metabolism remains low for a while even after you finish fasting to lose weight.

Therefore, if you begin eating normally, your body will make the food you consume into fat reserves. You will therefore gain back all the weight you lost very quickly, and you may even gain back more. Fasting to lose weight is simply not a good way to stay skinny long term. If that isn't enough reason to forget about fasting to lose weight, there are also some serious consequences to such an extreme diet.

Fasting to Lose Weight Can Lead to Eating Disorders

You may tell yourself that you're only planning on fasting to lose a few pounds. After you lose those few pounds however, you will likely still feel as if you could stand to lose a little more.

If you ever do decide that you've lost enough weight, you'll begin gaining it all back very quickly once you break the fast. This simply encourages you to continue fasting to lose weight. This is the beginning of a very serious eating disorder, and it should absolutely be avoided.

Fasting to Lose Weight Denies Your Body Necessary Nutrients

Your body receives most of the vitamins it needs from the foods you eat daily. It also receives minerals and protein from these foods. If you are fasting to lose weight, you will likely not be receiving any of these nutrients.

Even if you are on a juice fast, you will likely be receiving only a few vitamins each day. You will still not be getting any of the minerals or protein that your body needs. If you are fasting to lose weight for a long time period, you can do serious harm to your body. Fasting to lose weight simply isn't worth the consequences.

Hopefully this article has helped you to understand some of the dangers of fasting to lose weight. Even if the consequences aren't enough to convince you, consider the fact that fasting to lose weight is generally ineffective because of your metabolism. Fasting to lose weight is dangerous and simply a bad idea; diet and exercise is the only true way to effectively lose weight.

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