P.O.R.N. Diets

I am coining this term as I feel some of the diets out there are so radical they need to be discussed in one place.

We here from our favorite celebrities daily and some of us live for this. We follow them on Twitter, talk about them on Bebo and MySpace or e mail each other about them especially when a new diet is talked about.

There have been some over the top radical diets in the past like the 'Air diet', not a very popular one for obvious reasons unlike the 'Chocolate' diet. Then there is the more main stream 'Atkins' diet or 'The Dash Diet' or even 'The South Beach Diet'. All have there plus and minus points and their advocates and nay sayers as well.

The trick when it comes to diets if there is a trick in selecting one would be to thoroughly research the topic. The mere fact that there literally are thousands of diets commercially available shown on television, billboards or even your local Chemist shop.

Here will be many, many articles pertaining to the topic of P.O.R.N. Diets circulating our media and your opinion on them is most welcome. Maybe you have been on one and would like to praise it or maybe warn others away from it. Whatever you may like to share, diet related, please do.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Metabolism Definition - Resting Metabolic Rate...

By Dan Beckwith

Metabolism definition - Your metabolism is the way your body handles calories. It can burn them for energy, or store them in the form of fat.

Have you put on a few pounds in the last couple of years? It could mean your metabolism is "slow" or less efficient than it should be. Do you have to squirm and struggle to get into your favorite jeans -- or worse, don't they fit at all? Before you start really having a problem besides a few tight clothes, create a better and healthier life for yourself and lose some weight in the process.

Losing weight doesn't have to be difficult. Plus, it does not mean you have to starve yourself. In fact, if you are ever hungry - you aren't doing it right!

There are a lot of diet programs out there, and it can be confusing because there are so many. Be careful, though; avoid those "get thin quick" programs that promise excessive weight loss over a very short period of time. Sure, most of them come with testimonials and a lot of advertising, and it may be quite tempting to drop 6 pounds in 24 hours. However, even if it works, it doesn't work for long. You'll note that those folks that dropped all that weight aren't going to be showing up a year later, having kept it off. Why is that so? Because these people have almost always gained back all the weight they lost - and more.

Now let's discuss a good metabolism. It's time for you to take back control of your body, and your weight. It's all about your metabolism. Once you understand how your metabolism works and are able to calculate your RMR or resting metabolic rate, you are halfway there.

What is RMR?

Metabolism definition - What Is RMR? It's your resting metabolic rate, the pace at which your body uses or stores fuel (i.e., burns calories or turns them into fat) even when you're resting and not doing anything. Quite a few things influence your metabolism. Like...

Ever wonder why we tend to gain weight as we get older? Because age is one of the factors that affects our RMR.

Dieting, too, is bad for RMR because the dieting really ratchets DOWN our metabolism. If we drastically cut back on calorie intake, we're going to lose a few pounds at first, true, but we're also going to slow down our metabolism - quite markedly.

That means when we go off the diet, we'll be gaining back all the weight we lost -- but now, we've done ourselves a disservice because the dieting has slowed down our metabolism, which means that we gain weight much easier. And so, presto, we gain the weight back plus more.

We generally call that yo-yo dieting. (Assuming you had a yo-yo that keeps going up and up and up!) As soon as we stop dieting, all the weight comes back. Up and down like a yo-yo.

A third problem with drastically cutting calories and therefore rapidly losing a lot of weight in a short period of time can also mean that you lose a lot of muscle. This puts you in a pretty dangerous position, too. You need muscle to function, plus muscles burn significantly more calories than fat. This means that any good "diet" (make that lifestyle) program is going to include exercise. The more you can move your body, tone, and build muscle, the more calories you're going to burn even when you're not doing anything; yes, you can truly "lose weight when you sleep" -- as long as you exercise when you're awake.

So when it comes to increasing your metabolism, you don't have to do it in a difficult or painful fashion. Learn more about metabolism definition and how to increase your metabolism and get those pounds coming off by visiting my website. You'll learn what you need to know so that you can safely increase your metabolism and lose weight; and while you're there, take a look at my free mini-course, "Free Weight Loss Tips!

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