Till now, research on acai berry revolves around on a specific powder called the Opti-acai (freeze-dried form of acai berry skin and pulp). Per hundred grams of this powder contains 52.2 g crbohydrates (with 44.2 g of fiber), 533.9 calories, 32.5 g fat, and 8.1 g protein.
The quantity of vitamin C is almost negligible, calcium is 260 mg, iron is 4.4 mg, and vitamin A 1002U is in per hundred gram of this powder. It also contains glutamic acid and aspartic acid, and the content of amino acid was found to be 7.59% per hundred grams as per the studies.
Acai berry also contains 78-91% beta-sitosterol of the total sterols. The fat content in acai berry contains 56.2% oleic acid, 12.5% linoleic acid, and 24.1% palmitic acid of the total fats. There are polyphenols like vanillic acid and procyanidin acid are also present in the oils of the acai berry fruit. Some of the acids which degrade substantially after exposure to heat or during storage such as syringic acid, protocatechuic acid, ferulic acid, and hydroxybenzoic acid are also found in acai berry's different products like juices, mixed juices, and powder.
Since there are a number of species of acai berry, various species are grown in many regions. Some eight species are grown in the marshy lands and floodplain areas of South and Central America, Peru, Brazil, and Belize. These slender, tall acai palm trees may grow up to 20-30 meters and have pinnate leaves, which are 3 meters long.
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