You are able to eat every few hours on the burrito diet. Eating more often is proven to help boost your metabolism and burn fat. Here are a few ideas to help keep your diet easy and organized. And most important keep you focused.
Shed the water weight. As you cut back on your caloric intake, during the first week your body will protest and you will feel some hunger pangs. However, if you follow the healthy eating habits promoted by the burrito diet, your body will eventually get to, and maintain, a weight that's suitable for your height and build.
Start an exercise regimen to complement the burrito diet. You'll drop a healthy average of between " pound and 2 pounds per week now. Its the right time to do some strength building exercises with weights, which will build muscle. Its important for dieters to know that muscle burns more calories than fat, so you'll create a bigger calorie deficit than if you use the burrito diet alone.
Chuck old habits for good. When you're stressed, instead of automatically reaching for chips or ice cream, try exercise or one of the healthy snacks promoted by the burrito diet. Dietitians note that burritos are healthy, as long as you're filling them with good stuff such as grilled chicken and vegetables. They are a great source of dietary fiber, and the wrapper is the perfect size for optimum portion control.
Make sure to take time to pat yourself on the back for even the smallest improvements. You will start feeling more energetic and seeing some inches off your waistline. This is definitely time for some celebration and motivation knowing that what your doing is working! Keep it up.
Matt shows you everything with his healthy burrito. Lean protein, healthy vegetables. Even breakfast. Matt takes care of everything so there really isn't much thinking involved and plenty of delicious ideas!
Imagine exercising this kind of control over what you eat on a permanent basis. There you have it, the burrito diet: the perfect recipe for permanent weight loss.
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