Honing in on the new things we want to have is a good starting base when thinking of which goals we want to reach. With no destination in mind, we'll get no-where.
However, we have to be prepared to make some changes, prior to having all these brilliant things. The great Albert Einstein was quoted as saying that the definition of insanity is to do the same thing and expect a different result! In other words if we keep doing what we've always done, we'll continue to have what we've always had, and our life just goes round in circles getting no-where.
We've got to accept a different way of thinking about things, as well as a different way of doing things before we can have more things. Knowing that there's going to be a deal of exertion to do to get the things we want to have isn't a great revelation. The relationship between giving and getting is well understood! Though effort alone won't inevitably bring results.
We accomplish success by embracing the thoughts and behaviour of a successful person - assuming the characteristics and values of a winner before we've actually become one. So the individual who's goal is to lose 30 pounds in the next 12 months has to become conscientious about nutrition and prioritise a certain amount of time to exercise each week.
Hanging out with friends comes after the work-out's been completed. A success-oriented person believes in delayed gratification, where the right effort will bring the right rewards. Adopting a good mental attitude to the things that have to be done will result in much faster weight loss.
Winning isn't a matter of chance. Developing the mindset of an achiever is a powerful weapon against the knocks, criticisms and doubts that will inevitably come our way.
We can connect with positive achievers by watching films and reading biographies of others who've overcome challenges on their path to success. We come across the same story time after time; their attitude and self-image is what created the results. By focusing on becoming who we need to be, we'll enjoy the exertions we have to do more and receive the things we want to have so much faster.
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