P.O.R.N. Diets

I am coining this term as I feel some of the diets out there are so radical they need to be discussed in one place.

We here from our favorite celebrities daily and some of us live for this. We follow them on Twitter, talk about them on Bebo and MySpace or e mail each other about them especially when a new diet is talked about.

There have been some over the top radical diets in the past like the 'Air diet', not a very popular one for obvious reasons unlike the 'Chocolate' diet. Then there is the more main stream 'Atkins' diet or 'The Dash Diet' or even 'The South Beach Diet'. All have there plus and minus points and their advocates and nay sayers as well.

The trick when it comes to diets if there is a trick in selecting one would be to thoroughly research the topic. The mere fact that there literally are thousands of diets commercially available shown on television, billboards or even your local Chemist shop.

Here will be many, many articles pertaining to the topic of P.O.R.N. Diets circulating our media and your opinion on them is most welcome. Maybe you have been on one and would like to praise it or maybe warn others away from it. Whatever you may like to share, diet related, please do.

Monday, June 22, 2009

How to Easily Control Your Expanding Waistline with Common Sense

By Thong M. Dao

More and more individuals are becoming lazy everyday. It's easier to order dinner than it is to select nutritional foods. Until one day they cannot fit properly in their clothing. Then, it's what diet pill can I take to lose the weight fast? Wake up people, we need to roll up our sleeves and go back to old school by, consuming proper nutrients.

Some people have a problem with food absorption. They can consume all the healthy food they want but, nutrients will not be absorbed properly. This problem keeps them from obtaining their weight loss goal. In this case, they need to seek medical assistance.

Many of us started off eagerly with weight loss programs. However in days or weeks we fall right back into our old way because, we crave for certain foods that we should not have or we feel bored or dislike what we are allowed to consume.

How can this be addressed? Nutrition and natural medicine experts I've crossed paths with say that the body can be disciplined such that it hungers for food only when it truly needs sustenance. By knowing how to suppress your appetite even when colleagues or family members show up with irresistible calorie-laden treats, you are well on your way to a trimmer figure.

The followings are a few tips that nutrition experts recommend to help us deal with our weight loss issues.

1. Gear your metabolism to a higher rate.

2. Understand our own health issue and how our body absorbs nutrients.

3. Exercise regularly, with no ifs, ands or buts.

4. Consume well-balanced meals; fruits and vegetables, and low glycemic index foods. This will curb your appetite and assist your weight loss. Keep in mind you need to consume foods that are healthy.

To keep the extra pounds at bay, pay little attention to diet trends. Nix the junk food. Your best bets are the wonder fruits and veggies, the essential fats and calcium. Some foods that will let you get a power surge of calcium without causing your waistline to expand are tuna noodle or other pasta casseroles or a healthy serving of cheesy macaroni.

If you have problems with blood sugar or cholesterol; Omega 3-rich foods like salmon, mackerel and herring will help you control those problems and assist you in your weight loss program.

Green tea helps increase our metabolism in the fight for weight loss but ask your physician for correct amount. Reason being green tea can create iron deficiency. Another key ingredient for success in cutting our waistline, is virgin coconut oil. Just add a few tablespoons instead of butter, margarine, and other cooking oils. Coconut oil will add flavoring and is healthier for you.

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